Argentinian Reggianito
Product ID :   AR1
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Product Rating :   Not Rated Yet
Price  :  $ 6.95
Product name Argentinian Reggianito
Weight 0.5 LBS
Product Description

The vast grazing pastures of Argentina revealed themselves to be ideal for immigrant Italians wishing to produce Parmesian cheeses in the new world. Reggianito translates to little Reggiano, so called because instead of a massive 80 lb. drum, the Reggianito cheese is produced in 15 lb wheels. Reggianito is cured longer than any other South American hard cheese which enhances its flavor. This cheese tastes a little saltier than its namesake, but the white crystals in the Grana are not salt grains, they are due to the lactose in the milk which breaks down into free amino acids. This is why it has this lovely grainy texture. Reggianito is perfect for cooking or grating over pasta.

Country: Argentina

Milk: Cow

Aging: About 5-6 Months

Consistency: Granular, very hard, gratable

Taste: Robust, full flavor

Amount: 0.5 lbs

Company Name
State / Province IL   Schaumburg
Country US
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